
Great exercises to look

The photograph is in good hands for photographers, the power to transform the real, without, however, change it in its essence, so that an accurate transcript of an object or a place you can buy something for the simple modification of the abstract scale or point of view. Similarly, what is infinitely small in our eyes is confused with the infinitely large, as the images inside the human body produced with the aid of electron microscopy is similar to astrofotografias taken with space telescopes.

In a series of abstract images that have developed over the last decade Magno Mesquita explores with wisdom peculiarity of this picture to change the perception of the scale parameter in the absence of a recognizable able to allow a mental assessment of the size of the object focused. Thus can shuffle the tracks and extract beauty from the great works of architecture – disrupted in parts more expressive, like pieces of a puzzle in view of all separate – but also in everyday objects such as glass perfume, which will acquire contours dream when observed very closely with the aid of macrophotography.

Leonardo da Vinci proposed as an exercise to create the observation of patches of mold in the walls, so that artists learn to draw the smaller, more mundane things, and beings glimpse of unsuspected worlds. By studying closely flashlights and headlights of cars with the same attention, the series Luminias,Magno Mesquita  year took the same look, coolness of the elements of drawing pictures of an industrial futurísco imaginary universe. Visions of a photographer who has eyes to see and seeing, transforms what is seen.

Afonso Pedro Vasquez


2012 - Art Espace Gallery Paris
2011 - New York Expo

2010 - Mia fair

2009 -  Luminias Photo Rio

2005 - Divina Gula MAC 

2003 - Formas e Volumes Barcelona

2002 - Metaismorfose Brasil

1998 - Formas e Volumes  Portugal

1995 - Formas e Volumes  Brasil